
Deadlines, due dates and brand new clients

Gosh, here we are 16 months later! I’m now preparing for my second maternity leave, which feels a little crazy considering it feels like days– days!– since my last post about going back to work after having my son. But time flies I guess, huh? A lot has happened in the past year and a…

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My 10 favourite books of 2020

Not many great things came out of 2020, but there were a few. A Covid-19 vaccine was developed, Trump was voted out (not that he’s going away anytime soon) and the environment was finally given a bit of break thanks to less international travel and carbon emissions. On a personal level, some of the positives…

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Introducing… the Jennifer Tate Copywriting blog

A little announcement. Jennifer Tate Copywriting turned three last week. That’s right. Three! Yes, I know it’s not actually a living, breathing thing, and I’m not exactly on the front line, but this little business ticks me over and I’m quite proud of it. Anyway, with this minor milestone reached, I thought it was high…

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