Deadlines, due dates and brand new clients

Gosh, here we are 16 months later! I’m now preparing for my second maternity leave, which feels a little crazy considering it feels like days– days!– since my last post about going back to work after having my son. But time flies I guess, huh?

A lot has happened in the past year and a half. On top of raising a baby and toddler, I have been super-busy with work, contributing to some really exciting new client projects including writing tens of SEO articles for Charlotte Tilbury on everything from makeup to skincare; creating the full website content and newsletters for emerging Japanese brand, Velarof; and penning tens of health guides for the global health community, carecirle.

I’ve also recently been appointed as the new web content manager for the London-based fine jewellery brand, Robinson Pelham, working on everything from mailers and blog posts to product descriptions, SEO tagging and lots more. This is all in addition to creating daily social media content and blog posts for my longstanding client, TransferGo. So yes, things have been pretty busy and deadline-centric here at JTC! 

But it’s all great! I love what I do. I adore my clients and working on new projects and find the flexibility and ownership that come with a job like this invaluable when you have a little one. As well as work, we’ve had trips away, Christenings, first birthday parties, nursery inductions, weddings, new teeth, (many) bugs and viruses, the pain and loss of a missed miscarriage, perpetual challenges with finding dog sitters, a trip to A&E, the challenges that come with breastfeeding, co-sleeping and weaning, hormonal highs and hormonal lows, ongoing house decorating and lots of other mundane, stressful and semi-exciting stuff. 

So what’s next? Well, I’m still only 30 weeks pregnant so there are a few weeks to go before I go on very short leave again. In the run-up to this, I’ll be signing off on outstanding projects and planning ahead and creating and scheduling lots and lots of content to cover my leave over the summer. Oh, and sorting out tiny baby clothes and decorating the baby’s room, which I’m so excited about!

Spring is already a really optimistic time and I’m feeling really fortunate to know that our little baby will be here very soon, hopefully safe and sound. Sure, Cocoa and Xander don’t know what they’re in for (and neither do we, probably) but I’m looking forward to all the highs, lows, smiles, tears, rewards and challenges – even if it will be inevitably stressful at times. I’ll try to stay in touch as the weeks go by.

Until then, wish me luck! x