
Bump, baby and going back to work

It’s been a while. But actually, I have a legitimate excuse this time. As you may know, I gave birth to our baby boy at the end of June. Then I blinked and now it’s 15 weeks later. Xander was born on the 30th of June, two weeks ahead of his due date. In fact,…

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Celebrating one of my wonderful clients, TransferGo

Things are getting a little bleak again in the Covid/lockdown world, so I want to use this post as an opportunity to focus on something positive: one of my wonderful clients, TransferGo. TransferGo recently celebrated its 8th birthday and to mark the occasion, its 200 employees and various freelancers/contractors (that’s me) are currently awaiting something…

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6 truths about being a freelance copywriter

Ah, second post time. Here, we can get the ball rolling a little bit. With this post, I wanted to focus on business and share some truths about being a freelance copywriter. From my experience, anyway. Whether you’re wanting to get into freelance copywriting yourself or you’re generally just bored and/or a bit curious, here…

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